The Magic School Bus Science in 180 Days is a compilation of all Magic School Bus episodes, Magic School Bus Activities and Experiments, supplemental activities and crafts, and a list of highly rated books that support each topic being discussed. You can download it for FREE to use in your own homeschool or classroom this year. When I later discovered all the amazing resources that the Magi c School Bus provides on their website for FREE, I decided it was time to see what I could do about forming our own Magic School Bus lesson plans. We then looked for free alternatives and found a few lesson plan ideas using SOME of the Magic School Bus Episodes but none that used all of the episodes, or else they didn’t included a living book or experiment element to them. They LOVE the Magic School Bus! We looked at getting a few Magic School Bus kits but quickly realized the cost was too expensive for us.
This fall my daughters are VERY excited about starting science because they’ve seen me getting this curriculum ready. For more info please see my disclosure policy. Disclaimer: This post may contain affiliate links.